Every Wednesday

Cultural experience

Only in Pärnu and Tartu

Rarity film

We are now bringing a quality film to Apollo Kino Pärnu and Tasku every Wednesday!

February 26, at 6 p.m., we'll be watching the movie "Modi: Three Days on the Wing of Madness".

The schedule of the following Quality film Wednesday:
February 26 - Modi: Three Days on the Wing of Madness

Väärtfilmi kolmapäevakud

Uus üritustesari koosneb ülemaailmselt või piiratud regioonides linastuvatest värsketest kvaliteetfilmidest erinevaist žanreist, mida saab tõesti kategoriseerida väärtfilmide alla kuuluvateks – nii produktsioonilt kui ka sisult.

Quality film Wednesday

The new series of events consists of different genres of fresh quality films screened worldwide or in limited regions, which can really be categorized as quality films - both in terms of production and content.

We specially select one of the most rare and noteworthy film gems in the program every Wednesday, in order to offer a truly memorable experience for cinema gourmets, critical viewers and casual adventurers alike.
Come and enjoy some of the best movies in the world on Wednesday nights.