Get to know the stars

An exciting introduction to the film

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A new local film

Join in at the meeting with the creators! Come and be part of a meeting with movie creators!

Meet the filmmakers of the drama "Aurora":
On January 16 at 6:45 p.m., Apollo Kino Pärnu

After the film, the screenwriters and director
of "Aurora" Andres Maimik and Rain Tolk
will answer the questions of cinema lovers.
Meet the makers of "I Was Born in a Garage":

On January 13 at 7:00 p.m. at Apollo Kino Coca-Cola Plaza
On January 14 at 17:00 at Apollo Kino Astri
On January 14 at 19:00 at Apollo Kino Jõhvi
On January 15 at 18:30 at Apollo Kino Pärnu
On January 16 at 17:00 at Apollo Kino Viljandi
On January 16 at 19:00 at Apollo Kino Lõunakeskus
Kohtu filmi "Sa pole üksi" filmitegijatega:

16. jaanuaril kell 19.00 ootame sind Apollo Kino Mustamäe "Sa pole üksi" Imelise Ajaloo eriseansile, mille juhatab sisse ajakirjanik ja Teise maailmasõja ning Soome ajaloo asjatundja Erkki Bahovski

Imelise Ajaloo eriseansil loositakse kinokülastajate vahel välja üks "Imelise Ajaloo" aastatellimus.
Osta pilet siit

Kohtu filmi "Pikad paberid" filmitegijatega:
23. jaanuaril kell 18.30 Apollo Kino Coca-Cola Plazas

Osta pilet siit

Meet & greet

Do you dream of meeting the producers?

This is possible – we would like to invite you to our special screening that includes an introduction by the producers!

Special screenings offer unique experiences where the film is introduced by special guests from the production team, the actors or even the authors themselves.

Each special screening is unique and even improvised, involving all guests. You can hear exciting stories ranging from how the idea was born to how the film got to the screens and maybe even hear about future plans.

Unique meetings with producers give you a unique opportunity to meet the guests, ask questions and give direct feedback.

Of course, there will be an opportunity to thank them, too.