Kindergarten/school to the cinema

Do you want to take your class or group to enjoy some quality entertainment? Come to Apollo Kino!

Have you thought about doing something exciting and educational with your classmates or a kindergarten group?

Cinema is entertainment, creativity, feelings and emotions! In addition to big Hollywood hits, we screen many educational films or films based on books and, of course, the best films by our local film creators. Apollo Kino offers the opportunity to come with your whole class and experience the world of film. There is something from every genre and for everyone in the film schedule.



5 €


6 €

ICE Theaters® auditorium

8 €



0 €

 for every 10 student tickets


0 €

 for every 10 student tickets

ICE Theaters®, luks- ja kinorestorani kinosaal

0 €

for every 10 student tickets

We offer the opportunity to organise a private screening for your class or a kindergarten group. We will book a screening of a film that is on our schedule just for you.

In the case of a private screening, we kindly request that you to have it in the morning. To book a private screening, we suggest you let us know of your intention at least 10 days in advance.

To book a group visit, please fill in the group pre-registration form below so that we can contact you a pick the most suitable day and book the seats. The current schedule can be found HERE.

  • You get one free teacher's ticket for every 10 student tickets!
  • We thank the teachers, coaches and 
    instructors of the children's groups for
    booking a cinema visit with an Apollo Kino
    gift ticket!
  • All teachers get a complimentary hot cup
      of coffee to be enjoyed with the film.
  • The offer is valid from Monday to Friday until 5 p.m (except holidays and school holidays).
  • Please arrive no later than 15 minutes before the screening.
  • The cinema schedule is prepared for one cinema week and is valid from Friday of the same week to Thursday of the following week. The schedule for the new week will be published by Tuesday evening at the latest.
  • The group leader or the teacher should coordinate the collection of tickets.
  • Check out the privacy conditions for subscribing to the "School to the cinema" newsletter HERE.

Please note! The group booking discount is also applicable for camps and youth centres

Would you like to make your visit unique? Check this out: TOUR OF THE CINEMA

Vali külastatav kino


Kino külastavate õpetajate arv


Kinosnäkkide pakett

Kas soovite lisaks piletitele kinosnäkke?

Haridusasutustele suunatud kinopakkumised

Koolide uudiskirjaga liitumise soov (Soovin saada uudiskirju ja pakkumusi Apollo Kinolt „Kool kinno“ projekti raames ja nõustun sel eesmärgil oma isikuandmete töötlemisega. Olen tutvunud isikuandmete töötlemise tingimustega Apollo kontserni Privaatsustingimustest. Tean, et võin nõusoleku iga hetk tagasi võtta loobudes uudiskirjast vastavas teates oleva lingi kaudu.)

